Soil Sample time!  Time for us to sample the Tomato soil in the High Tunnels, and the Blueberry Patch.

Every year we soil sample all of our soil so that we can make the proper adjustments.  Tomatoes get planted in Mid March so we have to get the soil ready now.  The soil test will tell us how much compost, lime, and other fertilizer that we will need for a successful growing season for the tomatoes.  On the Blueberries, it’s a constant battle to reduce the soil pH for a bountiful crop.  Blueberries like a low pH.  Our soil naturally has a high pH so we are always adding sulfur.  We are also expanding the blueberry patch so it’s critical that we get the soil just right for the new blueberry plants.  See you at the FARM….Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays 9am-5pm.

Soil Sample time! Time for us to sample the Tomato soil in the High Tunnels, and the Blueberry Patch.
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