Strawberry Picking Conditions

The pick your own patch is open at Miller Farms.  We will be open until 6:00 p.m. if it isn’t raining.  If it is raining, we will close at 5:00.  This sure has been a unique strawberry season with the weather.  It has rained 16 of the last 17 days.  We haven’t had a large volume of rain, but the constant cloud cover and no sunshine has made for slow ripening berries and berries that are over ripe because we haven’t been able to get them picked.  Be prepared when you come for the mud and for less than ideal picking conditions.  There are berries to pick, and the flavor is surprisingly good, however it will take you longer to pick.  We are very blessed in that we haven’t had any hail storms.  In talking with other strawberry growers in VA and NC some of them have had hail storms and which have really cut their season short.  There are still lots of blooms and green berries, so once this weather turns around, we should have berries for a couple more weeks.  We are looking forward to seeing you at the farm and in the patch.IMG_20160513_072027

Strawberry Picking Conditions
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