Sweet Corn Update: We picked a limited amount of Sweet Corn today. We had a small patch ready that we didn’t think would be ready. There’s about 12 dozen more to pick in that patch for Monday. We’re hoping to
WATER: Hey Folks in the community: Not sure how long y’all will be affected by the contaminated public water in Eastern Orange County, but y’all are welcome to come to the farm anytime we’re open to get fresh water. Bring your own containers. There’s 2 sinks in the Market. If you have animals and want to bring tanks, we can fill those too.
WATER: Hey Folks in the community: Not sure how long y’all will be affected by the contaminated public water in Eastern Orange County, but y’all are welcome to come to the farm anytime we’re open to get fresh water. Bring
Hey folks, Those of you who are in the Lake of the Woods, Eastern Orange County area and have contaminated water, you are welcome to come to our Farm and fill your own containers at no charge. We have a couple of sinks that you can have access to. Bring your own containers and come on out and get some clean drinking water. We’re open Mondays-Fridays 9am-5pm. Saturdays 8am-5pm. 12101 Orange Plank Road Locust Grove Va. 22508.
Hey folks, Those of you who are in the Lake of the Woods, Eastern Orange County area and have contaminated water, you are welcome to come to our Farm and fill your own containers at no charge. We have a