Miller Farms Update: APPLES: We now have APPLES! HONEY CRISP and GINGER GOLD! by the pound, by the busket, and by the half bushel CANTALOUPES, nice big beautiful, sweet cantaloupes PEPPERS on SALE! Beautiful Colored Peppers on Sale! Mostly RED
Thursday Aug 8th: APPLES: We now have APPLES! HONEY CRISP and GINGER GOLD! CANTALOUPES, nice big beautiful, sweet cantaloupes PEPPERS on SALE! Beautiful Colored Peppers on Sale! Mostly RED and YELLOW a few ORANGE TOO! $5/bag. $15/half Bushel. SALE! TOMATOES!
SWEET CORN update and growing conditions so far this season: Hey folks, many of you have commented on here, at the market, or sent emails about the SWEET CORN this year. What’s wrong is the main question. Well, all of