Milk Delivery Postponed to Friday!

Hey Folks, our delivery from Trickling Springs Creamery has been delayed to Friday a.m.  Milk should arrive by 8:30 a.m.  We still have some milk here.  We have 1/2 gallons of whole and 2%, quarts and 1/2 gallons of chocoloate, quarts of buttermilk and 1/2 and 1/2, and pints of heavy cream.  Plenty of cheese and ice cream.  We are sold out of eggs.  Thanks for your patience.  Planted yesterday:  50 lbs of Adirondack Blue potatoes, 100 lbs of Pontiac Red potatoes, and 500 Pak Choi plants.  Remember to sign up for our 2016 CSA!  IMG_20160324_064837See you at the Farm!

Milk Delivery Postponed to Friday!
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