Strawberry Weather??

Spring time weather fluctuates tremendously.  We spend lots of time monitoring the weather forecasts and praying that we are making the correct decisions.  So Friday evening we thought there was frost potential for this a.m. so we covered the strawberries at the edge of dark.  We had a low of 37, but no frost.  We are uncovering them today.  Probably we’ll cover them again on Monday.  Looking like a frost on Tuesday a.m.  Row covers are critical for protecting the flower (strawberry) from frost.  If frost forms on the flower it will turn black and abort.  It will not turn into a berry.  We also have to have the covers off as much as possible so that pollination can occur and on really warm days it could get too hot under the covers.IMG_20160325_192147 IMG_20160325_192208

Strawberry Weather??
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