Strawberry Weather??

Spring time weather is always unpredictable and really fluctuates.  We spend a lot of time watching weather forecasts and praying that we make the correct decisions.  We thought there was a pretty good chance for a frost this a.m. so Friday evening we pulled the covers before dark.  We had a low of 37 and no frost.  The row covers are necessary to protect the blooms (strawberries) from frost.  If frost forms on the blooms then the center turns black, the bloom aborts and a strawberry doesn’t form.  The trick with the row covers is that we don’t want it to get too warm underneath the covers either so we uncovered the strawberries this a.m.  We’re looking at covering the patch again on Monday evening.  Pretty good chance for frost Tuesday a.m.  Remember we are open 9a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Saturday.  We are well stocked on Trickling Springs Milk, Ice Cream, Eggs, Butter, Cheese, and Yogurt.  As well as Roseda Beef burgers, steaks, roasts, and hot dogs.  Papa Weaver Pork Sausage and Beef is here too!  Don’t forget we have Honey from Spotsylvania!  It’s almost allergy season!  See you at the farm!IMG_20160325_192147IMG_20160325_192208

Strawberry Weather??
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