Getting Ready for the big Freeze

Going to be a cold one this Saturday night and Sunday a.m.  Calling for a low out here at the farm of 20 degrees early Sunday a.m.  That’s too cold for our row covers.  Tuesday night/Wednesday a.m. we lost a small percentage of our Strawberry blooms under the covers because of a low of 24.  We still have an old set of covers so we made the decision to pull a second set of covers over the first set of covers.  Calling for winds of 25 to 40 mph all day Saturday so we covered the Strawberry Patch this a.m.  9 of us knocked it out in 3 hours.  Monday we’ll be pulling the second set of covers off so the strawberries don’t get too warm during the day.  Also the 2 sets of covers will block the sunshine from the strawberry plants.   We’ll be blowing heat in the high tunnels again to protect the tomatoes.  10 day forecast is looking better.  We should be able to get a lot of early crops in the ground (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, kohlrabi, kale, collards, and spinach).  See you at the FARM!IMG_20160408_090835IMG_20160408_085653IMG_20160408_085646IMG_20160408_082902IMG_20160408_082455IMG_20160408_082513

Getting Ready for the big Freeze
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