STRAWBERRIES!  The first of the Season!

We uncovered the Sweet Charlie’s yesterday and were pleasantly surprised!  We picked 15 qts yesterday.  Hope to pick more by the weekend.  Pick your own to start in about 2 weeks.  Stay tuned!  The strawberry plants have had a tough 2 weeks, but look really good for the weather they have been through.  We lost about 10% to 15% of the early blooms last Tuesday night/ Wednesday a.m. to the cold weather.  So Friday we spent most of the day getting ready for Saturday night/ Sunday a.m.  We pulled a second set of covers over the entire Strawberry patch.  Took 9 of us about 4 hours.  We had a low of 21 Sunday a.m.  The double covers was enough to protect the blooms!  We spent another 4 hours yesterday rolling up the extra set of covers.  It was worth it to save the berries.  Looking like the single layer of row cover will stay on the patch until Friday or so of this week. We have a couple of frosts heading our way. We only have 4 rows of the Sweet Charlie’s so there won’t be enough for pick your own until the Chandler’s ripen.  The Sweet Charlie’s are about 10 days to 2 weeks ahead of the Chandler’s.  Looking forward to a great season!  Still a few spots left in our 2016 CSA.  See you at the Farm!IMG_20160411_142640IMG_20160411_131828

STRAWBERRIES! The first of the Season!
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