Hey folks, the strawberries are ripe at Miller Farms and the patch is open for pick your own @ 12101 Orange Plank Rd. Locust Grove, Va. 22508. The patch isn’t in full production yet, but there are lots of berries there to pick. They are so sweet! We have missed fresh strawberries, hopefully you have too. Looks like some rain moving in for Wed, Thurs, and Fri. Strawberries need lots of water to grow, but the rain is hard on ripe strawberries, so come out tomorrow, Tuesday if you can and help us get these berries picked! Pick your own is $2.65/lb. Pre-picked berries are available in the Market @ $5.35/qt or 3 or more quarts for $5.00/each. Fresh asparagus is here too from Joel Yowell out of Madison Va. Asparagus is $5.00/lb. CSA crates start tomorrow. If you haven’t signed up and would like a crate, they are available for purchase at $31.18 per crate. Ask for one at the counter! And remember we are now dipping Trickling Springs Creamery Ice Cream! See you at the farm! The patch is open from 8am.-5pm. Monday-Saturday. Closed on Sundays!