Cloudy and Rainy outside, Tomatoes growing inside

Hey Folks, looks like another day of clouds and rain.  The strawberry patch is open for pick your own.  It is muddy so dress appropriately, boots and or old shoes.  There are strawberries to pick, but it will take you longer to pick because of the rain.  The flavor is still surprisingly good despite all of the rain.  We are praying for sunshine, it would be great if you all joined us in that prayer!   We are picking strawberries for our CSA’s.  We are not picking for the market this a.m.  After we fulfill our CSA obligation we will begin picking for our market, hopefully around noon.  The picking is slow for us as well, but we are doing the best we can to provide you with berries.  We have turned down numerous wholesale requests so that we can focus on our retail customers.  Tomatoes are growing great inside of our high tunnels.  I just ordered wire hoops and perforated plastic so we can cover the early sweet corn and melons.  All of our crops are just “sitting still” on the growing phase waiting on sunshine and warmth.  The covers will provide much needed warmth.  We are trying to push them forward for July 4th.  Greenhouse is still full of flowers and we have flowers on the porch to shop from as well.  Restocked on Soap from Old Dominion Soap.  See you at the FARM!IMG_20160502_155210

Cloudy and Rainy outside, Tomatoes growing inside
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