Goldilocks weather for strawberries

Today’s forecast for picking strawberries includes a heavy dose of Goldilocks weather.  It’s not too hot.  It’s not too cold.  It’s just right!  Plenty of sunshine today, Friday May 20th.  Tomorrow looks like a washout for picking strawberries.  Today is the day to pick.  It’s still a touch muddy in some places, but the patch has really dried up.  We have containers for you to pick in.  Once you are done picking, if there’s no one in the hut, come across the road to check out.  And remember we are dipping ice cream and sampling nuts from the Good Earth Peanut farm.  Don’t forget your heavy cream to make homemade whipped cream for your berries.  There should be pre picked berries available in the Market.  You may want to call ahead first.  540 850 5009.  Pre-picked strawberries are $5.35/qt.  IMG_20160520_082645IMG_20160520_082635We are open until 6.  See you at the farm.

Goldilocks weather for strawberries
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