It’s Strawberry Pickin’ Time

Hey folks looks like we have 2 days of Sunshine of coming up before the rain on Saturday.  NOW is the time to come pick strawberries. We’ll be open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. today and Friday!  The picking is pretty good despite all the rain we’ve had.  There are some rotten berries that you’ll need to pick around.  It is still muddy in places so you’ll need to bring your boots.  We have containers to for you to pick in.  Park at the patch convenience. Free parking. No admission charge.  And free fresh air.  AND our tomatoes are growing well in the high tunnels.IMG_20160518_135322IMG_20160518_135328IMG_20160518_140235IMG_20160518_140349

It’s Strawberry Pickin’ Time
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