Rainy days are good for ice cream/ Weather Forecast

We are now dipping Trickling Springs Creamery Ice Cream!  When ice cream was delivered last week it came in this giant blue cooler.  IMG_20160512_074640 Weather forecast this week:  Rain all day today, cloudy tomorrow, then sun on Thursday and Friday.  Looks like rain all day on Saturday.  The sun last Saturday and Sunday and yesterday made for some really good flavor in the berries.  It doesn’t take much sunshine to put the sugar in the berries.  We had a great crowd yesterday making use of the sunshine.  We picked strawberries all day yesterday in preparation for the rain today.  We were hoping to be able to have those for sale today, but we sold most of them.  There are a few qts for sale in the Market.  Those of you that can pick this Thursday and Friday, come on out and enjoy the sunshine and help us get the berries picked before the rain returns Saturday and Sunday.  There are plenty of berries there to pick, the patch is muddy so remember to wear old shoes or boots.  We will close at 5:00 today because of the rain.  The patch opens at 8:00 in the a.m. and will be open until 6:00 on the days that it’s not raining.  Remember we have Free Parking, Free Admission,  Free Southern Hospitality and Park at the patch convenience.  Strawberries are $2.65/lb for pick your own.  Pre-picked, they are $5.35/qt. We should have strawberries for another 2 or 3 weeks.  We are busy planting the second planting of tomatoes, peppers (snack peppers, sweet Italian peppers, jalapenos, and sweet Italian peppers) and eggplant today.  We are also busy staking and tying the first planting.  So thankful for out High Tunnels!  They allow us to get things done in the rain and it keeps the rain and cool weather off of our heat loving crops.  Looking forward to seeing you at our farm, located at 12101 Orange Plank Rd Locust Grove, Va.  22508.

Rainy days are good for ice cream/ Weather Forecast
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