Fresh Asparagus! and More!

We just picked up more Asparagus from our friend Joel Yowell in Madison County.  Asparagus is $5/lb.  Joel is near the end of Asparagus season, but let’s enjoy it while we can!  Strawberry Season is continuing, so pick em while we got em!  Pick your own Berries are $2.65/lb and pre-picked berries are available in the Market at $5.35/qt.  The patch is open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday-Saturday this week.  We are closed on Sundays.  Free Parking, Free Admission, Park at the Patch convenience, and Free Southern Hospitality.  Fridge in the Market is stocked with Mesclun Mix, Kale, Collards, Spinach, Spring Onions, and Herbs.  See you at the farm and in the patch!IMG_20160425_104826

Fresh Asparagus! and More!
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