Sweet Corn is coming, eventually

Our Sweet Corn is finally starting to form tassels and the ears are beginning to silk.  We hope it will be ready for July 4th, but not sure yet.  We sure are enjoying this cool weather, but it slows the corn down.  Our sweet corn has had a slow start this year because of the cool weather we had in April and the unusually cool May we had.  We’ll keep you updated here.  We are planting sweet corn every week, so we can pick it every week.  Once we begin picking, we’ll have Sweet Corn until October.  The strawberry patch will be mowed off one day this week.  It is open for picking until we mow it off.  Come enjoy the cool weather and fresh air.  There are still strawberries there.  They are delicious.  Think scavenger hunt.  Fresh produce today:  Broccoli, Cauliflower (green, orange, purple, white), Spring Onions, Kale, Collards, Oregano, thyme, Basil, Mint, Rosemary, Chives, Red Raspberries, Black Raspberries, and Tomatoes!  Pick your own Raspberries not open yet.  See you at the farm and in the Strawberry Patch.IMG_20160613_152449

Sweet Corn is coming, eventually
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