Sweet Corn patch, Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Patch conditions

The sweet corn is really enjoying this warm weather!  We are hoping that it will be ready by July 4, but it had a late start with all of the cool weather earlier in the Spring.  JoJo has been busy in the Farmhouse Kitchen, cranking out the Strawberry Jam, Jelly, and Preserves.  The pick your own Strawberry Patch is open for picking from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and tomorrow.  There are still Strawberries there to pick and they are so sweet with all the Sunshine they’ve been getting.  We probably won’t have pre-picked Strawberries in the Market.  We have just started picking a few Raspberries.  No pick your own on the Raspberries yet.  Fresh in the Market today:  Strawberry Jam, Broccoli, Kale, Collards, Spinach, Mesclun Mix, Herbs, Spring Onions, and Asparagus.  See you at the farm and in the Patch!IMG_20160602_155937IMG_20160603_072045

Sweet Corn patch, Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Patch conditions
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