Tomato picking has begun!

We have started picking tomatoes!  Only picked about 20 lbs today, but by the end of next week, we should start having plenty.  Today is the last day for pick your own strawberries!  The patch will be open from 8a.m. to 5p.m.  And close at 5 p.m. today.  There are still strawberries to pick, but it will take you longer than normal to pick.  IMG_20160611_083433We will mow off the patch one day next week.  We are picking RASPBERRIES and BLUEBERRIES daily.  There aren’t enough for pick your own yet.  We will let you know when we open those patches.  Fresh in the Market today:  RASPBERRIES, BLUEBERRIES, GREEN ZUCCHINI, YELLOW ZUCCHINI, YELLOW SQUASH, TOMATOES (while they last), SPRING ONIONS, COLLARDS, KALE, SPINACH, RADISHES, OREGANO, THYME, MINT, CHIVES, and SHIITAKE MUSHROOMS!  AND we are DIPPING ICE CREAM CONES!  A perfect way to cool off on a hot day

Tomato picking has begun!
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