We are finally making some visual progress on the Kitchen at the farm. The sheet rock has been installed and covered with mud. Plumbing is pretty well done. Trim and painting are next! Join us for our Meal in the Field. Sept 17. Presented by Miller Farms and The Generals’ Quarters. 6 courses served in the Pumpkin Patch. Get to know your farmer! Seating limited to 30 guests. Tickets $65 each. Sign up in the Market on our Farm. Summer Produce still rolling on! SWEET CORN, MELONS, TOMATOES, PEPPERS, EGGPLANT, PEACHES, NECTARINES, APPLES and more! Trickling Springs Ice Cream still on sale in the half gallons! And we are hand dipping ice cream. See you at the FARM!! Buy Fresh! Buy Local! Taste the Difference!