The Blueberry Patch
The BLUEBERRY Patch will be OPEN 8am-5pm Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of this week. July 20,21, and 22. Not sure about next week yet. We have replanted many of the Blueberry Plants this past winter. We added more mulch, and updated the irrigation. The older bushes in the patch are now full of BLUEBERRIES and ready for picking. Blueberries are $5.00/lb for U-pick and $5.00/pint pre-picked. Come early and beat the heat. Containers are provided and are located in the little red hut, in front of the white house, that is located across the road from the Market. The BLUEBERRY PATCH is located directly behind the white house across the road from the Market. When done picking, come across the road and check out at the Market. See you at the FARM and in the PATCH!