Sweet Corn has been planted! Our first patch of Sweet Corn is in the ground! Catalyst and Kickoff, both Harris Seeds Varieties. Busy day, Saturday on the farm. We planted 20,000 seeds (half acre) for our first planting. This planting and our next planting is planted on raised beds that have black plastic. The black plastic warms the soil for our early crops. We use the same planter that we use for Strawberries. The planter wheels punches holes in the plastic 12 inches apart in the row and 2 rows 15 inches apart per bed. Each hole gets 2 seeds to get the proper population. We ride on the planter and drop the seeds by hand. It takes 5 of us 4.5 hours to plant 20,000 seeds (half acre). Once we start using the corn planter on the third planting, we can plant 20,000 seeds in 30 minutes with one person. Planting by hand and using the black plastic allows us to start harvesting Sweet Corn the third week of June. #SweetCorn