Now on our Regular Hours: 9am-5pm Mondays-Fridays.  Saturdays 8am-5pm.

Now on our Regular Hours: 9am-5pm Mondays-Fridays. Saturday 8am-5pm.
MESCLUN MIX, Fresh Cut from our Greenhouse
HONEY, Raw, from bees on our Farm..Pumpkin Blossom
EGGS: from our Pastured Rhode Island Reds
CHICKEN: from our Pastured Cornish Cross Chickens
BEEF: from our Pastured Angus Beef Cows
MILK: from South Mtn Creamery
ICE CREAM: from South Mtn Creamery
SAUSAGE: Papa Weaver’s Pork
Come on out to the Farm, Spring is near. The Warm weather is making everything grow. Join our 2020 CSA now. Sign up in the Market, or on our website,

Miller Farms Honey Bears
Now on our Regular Hours: 9am-5pm Mondays-Fridays. Saturdays 8am-5pm.
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