Where’s all of your veggies?

Where’s all of your veggies? We are getting this question every day. Our veggies are busy growing. We are a seasonal farm Market. When the produce is in “season”, you will see it in our Market. We grow everything right here on our farm except Asparagus, Tree Fruit, and Sweet Potatoes. We had a really warm March, so everyone thought Spring would be early. The warm March was followed by a cold April. This cold, rainy, cloudy weather has slowed down the ripening of our crops. The Strawberries are covered and uncovered almost on a daily basis. Covered to protect from frost and uncovered to allow for pollination. A frost will turn those pretty little blossoms black and then a strawberry won’t be able to form. We are picking a handful of quarts of Strawberries every couple of days. Not enough to sell yet, though. We will post as soon as we have Strawberries. 10,000 cole crops are in the ground. Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Mustard Greens, Kale, Collards, Spinach, Pac Choi, and Kohlrabi. We hoped to harvest next week, but the cold weather (we’ve had a frost almost every morning) has held it back from growing. Warm weather will make it jump, but it looks like we are about another week to 10 days out on harvest. Tomatoes have been planted in our High Tunnels where they grow in the soil and are protected from frost and rain. They are just starting to flower and set Tomatoes. Maybe tomatoes at the beginning of June. Peppers are getting planted today in our High Tunnels as well. Hope to have Peppers at the end of June. Sweet Corn has popped through from the first planting. The first couple of plantings are on black plastic so we can start picking at the end of June. Watermelons, Cantaloupes, Squash, Zucchini, Cucumbers, and Specialty Melons have been started in the greenhouse, hope to plant them in the field beginning of May. We are busy in the fields and greenhouses everyday growing produce for you. Thank you for being Miller Farms customers and allowing us to be your farmer!

Where’s all of your veggies?
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