U-Pick Strawberries today, Saturday May 23 at Miller Farms. Patch opens at 8am and closes at 4:45 pm unless we get picked out. REMEMBER to only pick the RED, RIPE Strawberries. An unripe Strawberry will not ripen after is has been picked. Check in at the Red Hut at the Strawberry Patch. The little red hut in front of the white house is not the Strawberry Hut, it’s the next hut down. If you have a credit card or debit card, have it ready to make payment at the hut after picking, that will help us check you out faster. If you have cash, still get your berries weighed at the hut, but you will need to make payment at the Market. We have BUSKETS and FLATS for you to pick in, you can get those at the RED hut. There should be a good supply of Berries today, but come early for the best picking. There should be pre-picked berries today as well. It did rain some last night and there is standing water at the beginning of the patch, but the rest of the patch is great for picking. You may want to wear old shoes or boots. In the MARKET, we have PLENTY OF MILK, CHOCOLATE MILK, HEAVY CREAM, HALF and HALF, BUTTERMILK, CHEESE, EGGS, and ICE CREAM. NO LIMIT ON OUR DAIRY PRODUCTS. We are not dipping ice cream, but we have plenty of pints of various flavors for you to choose from. PAPA WEAVER PORK IS HERE AS WELL. LIMIT OF ONE OF EACH PRODUCT PER CUSTOMER PER DAY. Also in our FRIDGES are Salad Greens, Kale, Collards, Mustard, and Mushrooms. See you at the farm and in the PATCH! Not sure about the patch for Monday yet. The Market will be open from 9am-1pm. IF the patch is open, it will be from 9am-1pm. Depends on the status of the berries.