Yes, we still have PLENTY of STRAWBERRIES to pick. Come on out today to the farm and enjoy the cool weather! There are plenty of sweet, juicy STRAWBERRIES waiting to be picked. STRAWBERRIES in June are a special treat. IF you haven’t had time to pick, now is the time. We should have Strawberries to pick all week and next week as well. We are past the halfway point of the season now. The Strawberry patch is located across the road from our Market. Containers to pick in are located in the hut near the patch. Pre-picked berries will probably be limited to our CSA Customers. We are busy taking care of our other crops as we prepare for other seasons. (Planting and tying tomatoes, peppers and eggplant. Planting Melons and laying drip tape for our sweet corn patches). Plenty of South Mountain Creamery Products: Whole Milk, 2% Milk, Chocolate Milk, Half and Half, Heavy Cream, Cheese, and Ice Cream. We aren’t dipping ice cream right now, but we have plenty of pints and SPOONS. See you at the farm and in the Patch!