Beautiful weather at the Farm today! Perfect day for enjoying our Corn Maze….it is just a touch muddy so wear appropriate footwear. Your entrance payment to the Maze allows you access all day. Our Maze is easy walking distance from the Market. Come explore and get lost in our 8 acre corn maze! The maze is open 9am-5pm. Mondays-Fridays. Last entrance into the maze is 4:00 pm. Mondays-Fridays Pricing: Adults (13 yrs plus) $7. Child (3-12 yrs) $5. Saturday Pricing Adults (13 yrs plus) $8. Child (3-12 yrs) $6. Children under 3 are free. Check in at the Red Hut. Saturdays the Maze opens at 8am. We are closed on Sundays. There is plenty of room in our Maze to maintain a 6ft distance. Our theme this year is Chickens. We have Rhode Island Red and Barred Rocks on our Farm for laying and we have the Cornish Rock Cross chickens on pasture for broilers. See you at the Farm!