Have you tried our Pasture raised Broiler Chicken? They make a great meal! The meat is fantastic and has great flavor. Our chickens are raised on our pasture in portable floorless pens and supplemented with local grain. We processed our last batch of Broiler Chickens yesterday. Now is your opportunity to buy FRESH chicken. Look for them in the Fridge in the Market. At then end of Saturday, we will place them in the Freezer. Cooking: We placed 2 chickens in a roasting pan on a bed of chopped onions, garlic, and celery. We roasted the chickens for 1 hr and 20 minutes at 375. Remember after you have eaten all the meat, save the rest of the chicken for boiling for homemade chicken broth. This broth is an excellent base for soups this winter. See you at the Farm! And Remember to reserve a Miller Farms Pastured Turkey for Thanksgiving.