Morning Folks! PLENTY of Miller Farms Beef in our Freezers. Now’s the time to stock up and make sure you have PLENTY in your freezer.
Morning Folks! PLENTY of Miller Farms Beef in our Freezers. Now’s the time to stock up and make sure you have PLENTY in your freezer. Where does your Beef come from? Miller Farms’ Beef is raised here on our farm and processed at Fauquier’s Finest in Fauquier County.
Ground Beef and Burgers
Steaks: Filets, T-Bone, Rib, NY Strip, Delmonico, Porterhouse, Sirloin, Eye steak
Roasts: Chuck, Sirloin, Top Round, Bottom Round, Brisket, Eye Roast
Ribs, Stew Meat, Thinly Sliced Steak, Organ Meat, Bones, and Fat
Beef Sausage Grillers: Assorted Flavors
See you at the Farm! Today, 9am-5pm. Saturday 8am-5pm
Miller Farms Beef Discount
Ground Beef
Rib Steak
Morning Folks! PLENTY of Miller Farms Beef in our Freezers. Now’s the time to stock up and make sure you have PLENTY in your freezer.
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