Our Chickens checking out their fresh pasture after their daily pen move. Plenty of Sunshine, Grass, Bugs, and other “goodies” for our Chickens to enjoy. Look for our Eggs in the Fridge in the Market. $5 dozen or $5 quart. Eggs by the quart? Yes, our Pullets have just started laying eggs. There are about 18 eggs or so in a quart. When using Pullet eggs in a recipe, us 3 pullet eggs in place of 2 regular Eggs. AND pullet eggs have a higher ratio of yolk to white, so they are more nutrient dense. Check out our pastured eggs, and taste the difference.

See ya at the farm! And remember to sign up for our CSA and let us be your farmer! https://millerfarmsmarket.com/choose-a-csa/
Pullet Eggs by the quart.