Strawberry Update: Row Covers (Frost Blankets) are back on the patch. We covered the Strawberry Patch Sunday afternoon in anticipation of the cold weather. We had frost this morning and Frost is in the forecast for Wednesday morning. We are still a couple weeks away from picking. Strawberries will be LATE this year, but when the season gets here, there will be PLENTY.
What happened??? We were on track for an early season because of some early warm weather, then the cold came back in a fury. We had snow and wind all day, Saturday, March 12, then we had a low of 14 degrees Sunday morning, March 13. Even though we had the Strawberry patch covered, it was too cold and burnt the blooms through the row covers. The plants recovered, sent out new blooms, and looked great! Then another cold snap. Monday morning March 28, and Tuesday morning March 29 were both 23 degrees. Again the cold burnt the blooms through the row covers.
Our STRAWBERRY plants have recovered again, and have sent out new blooms. It’s about 35 days from bloom to BERRY. So hopefully the last week of April or the first week of May, we will begin picking some STRAWBERRIES. We will post here and keep you updated. Our SEASON will begin with pre-picked STRAWBERRIES by the quart. When the volume of the patch increases, we will open the PATCH for PICK YOUR OWN.