8am-12:45 pm, Strawberry Picking at Miller Farms.

8am-12:45 pm, Strawberry Picking at Miller Farms. The Market will close at 1pm. PLENTY OF STRAWBERRIES for pick your own. A beautiful morning for picking Strawberries and enjoying the fresh air at the farm. The patch is still muddy at the end of the rows, but once you get in the rows, it’s just wet. Old shoes or boots are still a good idea. We will close the patch at 12:45 and the Market will close at 1pm. today. Tues-Fri 9am-5pm. Saturday 8am-5pm. Closed Sunday. See ya at the farm and in the Patch!

Strawberry Picking
8am-12:45 pm, Strawberry Picking at Miller Farms.
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