SWEET CORN today, yes and probably most days this week.
APPLES: Honey Crisp, Crimson Crisp, McIntosh, September Wonder (Fuji)
Watermelons, Summer Squash, Peppers, Cucumbers
Winter Squash: Butternut, Acorn, Delicata, Kabocha, Hubbard
Pumpkins: Jack O Lanterns, Heirloom Pumpkins, Pie Size, Giant Gourds all $.85/lb.
Mini Pumpkins and Mini Gourds $1.50/each.
Wheelbarrow deals on Pumpkins. All you can pile in a wheelbarrow for $100. You have to be able to get your wheelbarrow to the check out without the pumpkins falling off and without holding onto the pumpkins.
Corn Stalk Bundles $10/each
Straw Bales $10/each
CORN MAZE open NOW! Come get lost in our 8-acre CORN MAZE. Check-in will be at the Market. The Corn Maze is a short walk from the Market.
Pay for the Corn Maze at the Counter in the Market BEFORE going to the Corn Maze.
Corn Maze admission fees:
Mondays-Fridays: Adults 13 and up $9. Children 3-12 $7. Children under 3 are free.
Saturday: Adults 13 and up $10. Children 3-12 $8. Children under 3 are free.
Sunday: We are Closed on Sundays
Last Entrance to the Maze: Mondays-Saturdays 4pm. No Exceptions.

Sweet Corn, Apples, Winter Squash, Pumpkins, Wheelbarrow Deals, Corn Maze and more!