SWEET CORN UPDATE: We will not have sweet corn, today, Friday Sept 2nd. We will pick sweet corn for Saturday Sept 3rd. Not sure how much corn there will be until we start picking.
CHRISTMAS TREES information: YES, we will have FRESH CUT FRASER FIR trees from Southwest Va. They will be delivered sometime around Nov 18 or 19th. There is a CHRISTMAS TREE SHORTAGE, but we have managed to get an order secured. We will probably sell out of CHRISTMAS TREES by the 2nd weekend in December, so make sure you mark your calendars. We have ordered Fraser Firs from 5ft-12ft in height. We will begin selling trees as soon as we get them displayed in the barns. We will have a better idea of the details along about Nov 14th or so. We will have some choose and cut Norway Spruces and Canaan Firs as well. Looking forward to the CHRISTMAS SEASON!
SWEET CORN UPDATE: We will not have sweet corn, today, Friday Sept 2nd. We will pick sweet corn for Saturday Sept 3rd. Not sure how much corn there will be until we start picking. CHRISTMAS TREES information: