Not sure how much there will be until we start picking. The whole patch is not ready, but we will pick what is there. Come early. Last Saturday we sold out shortly after 2pm. Counting tomorrow’s patch there are 5 patches left (half acre each), but we have to wait for each patch to get ready. We will keep our FB page updated tomorrow. We will post when we run out of SWEET CORN. The NEXT PATCH after this one is about 1 week to 10 days away from being ready.
TOMATOES are getting scarce as we get to the end of the season.
PLENTY of PEPPERS… Bell, Sweet Italian, Sweet Banana, Jalapeno
APPLES: Autumn Crisp
Fruit Delivery Expected late afternoon, today, Friday. Tomorrow there will be plenty of PEACHES, HONEY CRISP, CRIMSON CRISP, and APPLE CIDER.
SWEET CORN UPDATE: We will PICK SWEET CORN Saturday AM. Sweet Corn is $.75/ear or $7.50/dozen. There will be NO 5 Dozen bag discounts. There will be SWEET CORN on the wagon at 8am.