Farm Updates:  Sweet Corn, Turkeys, Apples, Sweet Potatoes, Pumpkin Patch, Corn Maze, Christmas Trees
Farm Updates:
Sweet corn is probably done for the season….we have one more patch, but the frost this week might finish it off.
Turkeys: Raised and grazed on the pastures on our farm inside of portable electric netting. Fresh Grass, Fresh Bugs, Fresh Air. Half the Turkeys have been processed and are in the freezer. We will processes the other half this Thursday. Numbers are limited. Reserve yours now.
Plenty of Apples, Winter Squash, and Sweet Potatoes.
Watermelons: Yes, we still have watermelons! Buy one get one free. Help us move them out and get one last taste of Summer.
Corn Maze open everyday but Sunday. Join us this Saturday evening for our night maze.
Plenty of Pre-Picked Pumpkins in the barns behind the Market. Pumpkin patch is ONLY open on Saturdays with FREE HAYRIDES.
CHRISTMAS TREES ARRIVING sometime the week BEFORE THANKSGIVING. Not sure when yet. We will have FRESH CUT FRASER FIRS and live Ball and Burlap trees of various varieties.

Turkeys on Pasture
Farm Updates: Sweet Corn, Turkeys, Apples, Sweet Potatoes, Pumpkin Patch, Corn Maze, Christmas Trees
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