Pumpkins, Pumpkin Patch, Hayrides, Corn Maze, Night Maze, Pastured Turkeys, Apples, Sweet Potatoes……..Keep Reading foks! Lots going on.
Pumpkins, Pumpkin Patch, Hayrides, Corn Maze, Night Maze, Pastured Turkeys, Apples, Sweet Potatoes……..Keep Reading foks! Lots going on.
PUMPKINS, PUMPKINS, PUMPKINS! Plenty of Pre-Picked Pumpkins in the barns behind our Market. Pie Size, Carving Size, Heirloom (in all their colors), Large Gourds all $.85/lb. Mini Pumpkins $1.50/each. Winter Squash $1.50/lb.
White Pumpkins and or Cinderellas $240/bin. Email millerfarmsmarket.com
Need a lot of pumpkins for decorating? Check out the wheelbarrow deal! Check out the WHEELBARROW DEAL! Pumpkin wheelbarrows $100 each for all you can fit in a wheelbarrow and still get to the counter without pumpkins falling off and without holding onto pumpkins.
APPLES: Plenty of Apples fresh from the Orchard. Honey Crisp, Ever Crisp, Staymen, Snow Sweet, Golden Delicious, September Wonder, Granny Smith, Jonagold.
SWEET POTATOES: Beauregard…..really nice!
PUMPKIN PATCH IS OPEN ONLY ON SATURDAYS. Free Hayrides to and from the Pumpkin Patch 9am-5pm with last ride to the patch at 4:30pm.
Straw bales and Cornstalks available too: $10/each
This year’s 8-acre Corn Maze is called “Good Duck!” Just a short hike from our Market.
Hours: 9am-5pm. Last Entrance 4pm.
Cost: Adults $9 • Children 3-12 yrs. $7
Children under 3 are free.
Hours: 8am-5pm. Last Entrance 4pm.
Cost: Adults $10 • Children 3-12 yrs. $8
Children under 3 are free.
And check out our Night Maze!
Night Time Corn Maze
at Miller Farms
Experience our 8-acre corn maze in the dark.
Come get lost and have some night-time fun.
Saturday, October 22
Friday, October 28
Saturday, October 29
7:00-10:00 pm
Adults $12 • Children 4-12 yrs. $10
Kids 3 and under are free.
Allow about 1 hr to go through our Maze. You are welcome to go through the Maze more than once while you are here at the FARM!
Sunday: We are closed on Sundays.
Corn Maze: Allow about 1 hr to go through our Maze. You are welcome to go through the Maze more than once while you are here at the FARM!
We are now taking orders for our Pastured Turkeys for Thanksgiving. https://millerfarmsmarket.com/chickens-and-turkeys/
CHRISTMAS TREES ARRIVING sometime the week BEFORE THANKSGIVING. Not sure when yet. We will have FRESH CUT FRASER FIRS and live Ball and Burlap trees of various varieties.
See you In the Pumpkin Barn, or at the Corn Maze or on the Hayride on Saturday.
Pumpkins, Pumpkin Patch, Hayrides, Corn Maze, Night Maze, Pastured Turkeys, Apples, Sweet Potatoes……..Keep Reading foks! Lots going on.
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