What’s Happening at the Farm!
What’s Happening at the Farm now?
Produce: Apples, Greens, Winter Squash, and Sweet Potatoes
Apple Cider, Corn Maze, Pastured Turkeys Available, Christmas Tree Delivery, Firewood, Straw…..
Oysters: Shell and Select. Here now. Thanksgiving orders due by Nov 15th.
Details for all below:
Apples: Honey Crisp, Granny Smith, Pink Lady, Fuji, Braeburn, Gold Rush
Greens: Kale, Collards, Red Mustard, Green Mustard
Sweet Potatoes, Beauregard
Apple Cider, Fresh from the Orchard
Corn Maze: Yes, there’s still time to experience our corn maze this year
Turkeys: Check out our Pastured Turkeys and taste the difference of our Turkeys
Christmas Tree Delivery: Fraser Fir Trees will be for sale beginning Nov 19th
Firewood: Bins of Firewood Available at $75. Perfect for fireplace or firepit
Straw: Gonna be Chilly this weekend. Make sure your critters are warm.
Mondays-Fridays 9am-5pm. Saturdays 8am-5pm.
Orchard Fresh Apples
What’s Happening at the Farm!
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