WE HAVE EGGS from South Mountain Creamery $6/dozen. Our chickens will start laying at the beginning of April.
We are now on our Winter Schedule until March 2. We are OPEN Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays 9am-5pm. We are closed Sundays-Wednesdays.
Milk is delivered every Thursday. Throughout the Winter, we will have PLENTY of Miller Farms Grass Fed, Angus BEEF and Pastured CHICKEN. Taste the difference of Grass Fed.
Well stocked on Papa Weaver Pork too.
PROPANE and FIREWOOD TOO! Firewood is conveniently available in our Pumpkin Bins. 2ft deep and on pallets. It the perfect amount to have on hand for cold nights for your fireplace or cool evenings for your fire pit on your deck. Just $75 for your bin of Seasoned Hardwood. Come on by Thursdays, Fridays, or Saturdays and we can load your truck.
NOW is a GREAT TIME to sign up for Our CSA for the 2023 season. Think about Strawberries in May. Sweet Corn, Tomatoes, and Melons in the Summer. Sweet Corn, Apples, and Sweet Potatoes in the Fall. Join us for all 3 Seasons for a total of 33 weeks or Join us for any of our 11 week seasons. Sign up at millerfarmsmarket.com or come sign up at the Market on our Farm and check us out this Winter. Let us be your Farmer and know where your food comes from.

We have Eggs! Open Thurs, Fri, and Saturdays… Milk delivered on Thursdays.