A beautiful Thursday to shop at Miller Farms! Plenty of Milk has been delivered, Fresh From South Mountain Creamery! Milk in Glass Bottles….the Way Milk should taste!
Whole Milk, 2%, Chocolate, Heavy Cream, Half and Half, Buttermilk, Assorted Cheeses, and Assorted Premium Ice Cream Flavors!
Kale and Collards Freshly harvested from our Fields.
Freezers are full of Miller Farms Grass Fed Angus Beef and Miller Farms pastured Chickens. Papa Weaver Pork here as well.
NOW is the PERFECT time to sign up for our CSA and let us be YOUR farmer for the 2023 season. Know where your food comes from. Most food travels over 2500 miles before it gets to you. The food we grow only travels Less than 2500 yards.
How does it work? At the start of your CSA, you will receive two reusable cloth Miller Farms shopping bags. Bring your Miller Farms’ Bags with you when you stop in the Market on your designated day (you choose a day between Tuesday through Saturday) to pick up your ready-to-go fresh produce. Remember, bring your Miller Farms’ Bags each week!
Convenience! Our Ready-To-Go CSAs are packaged daily to ensure that you are getting the freshest produce. Each week, your share contains a wide variety of in-season items. Stop in at Miller Farms 12201 Orange Plank Rd. Locust Grove, Va. 22508
Best Value! With our 33-week season, you pay $25 per week for $30 worth of produce. Your bag will contain a weekly share of produce and/or product from our Market for 3-4 people. Just think…for only $3.57 a day, you can enjoy fresh, locally-grown produce. Payments due by mid-April of each calendar year. Total cost is $825 plus tax, plus $10 for 2 reusable Miller Farms’ Cloth Bags. Payments are non-refundable.
Seasonal CSAs—We have three, shorter seasonal CSAs, each 11 weeks long. Spring runs from late April through early July. Summer runs from early July through late September. Fall runs from late September through early December. Payment deadlines occur before the start of each season. Total cost is $330 plus tax, plus $10 for 2 reusable Miller Farms’ Cloth Bags. Payments are non-refundable.
See you at the farm!
12101 Orange Plank Rd Locust Grove Va. 22508. 2 miles West of Fawn Lake on Orange Plank Rd.
Milk Delivery, Fresh Kale and Collards, CSA sign ups!