Restocked on Miller Farms Beef. We just picked up more Miller Farms Grass Fed Angus Beef yesterday from the processor. PLENTY of everything: STEAKS (filets too), ROASTS (eye roasts too), Ground Beef, Beef Sausage, Stew Meat, Ribs, and Soup Bones. Also plenty of Organ meat.
Check out the new flavors of South Mountain Ice Cream in the half gallons! All the pint flavors are now available in the larger size. AND check out the new creaminess of the ice cream.
Reminder: Glass Bottle Deposits are now $3.50. Your old bottles will exchange evenly. The $3.50 will only be for new bottles.
And remember, now is the perfect time to sign up for our CSA. Let us be your farmer! https://millerfarmsmarket.com/choose-a-csa/
See you at the farm!

We are now open Mondays-Fridays 9am-5pm. Saturdays 8am-5pm. Closed Sundays.