MILK from SOUTH MOUNTAIN CREAMERY has been delivered! Taste the difference of MILK in GLASS BOTTLES. PLENTY of Everything!

HONEY: Honey from Bees on our Farm and Honey from Spotsylvania too.

Chicken: Whole Broiler Chickens raised on the pastures of our Farm.

Beef: Grass Fed Angus Beef, raised on the pastures of our Farm. Choose from Ground beef, Steaks, Stew Meat, Roasts, Thinly Sliced Steak, Soup Bones, and Organ Meat.

Pork: Papa Weaver Pork…..Sausage (links, patties, Brats), Pork Chops, Boston Butts,
Eggs from our flock of Chickens on our Pastures
Firewood: By the Bin $75, half cord $200, cord $300.
Remember we can fill your propane tank too!

Farm Share information for 2024. Sign up now, before January 13th and Save 5% off our Farm Share (CSA….community supported agriculture) for the 2024 season. Let us be your farmer and know where your food comes from! Returning CSA members sign up in the Market and save 10%.
We are NOW on our WINTER HOURS. We will be OPEN THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS, and SATURDAYS. Closed Sundays-Wednesdays. Regular hours will resume March 1.
MILK from South Mountain Creamery was delivered today, FRIDAY 1/5. Next week Milk Deliveries will resume on Thursdays.