Pepper Plants and Mesclun Mix growing in Greenhouse. Pepper plants will go in our High Tunnel soon. Mesclun Mix is harvested weekly and for sale in the Market on our Farm.

OPEN Mondays-Fridays 9am-5pm. Saturday 8am-5pm.
Mushrooms will return Wednesday.

SIGN UP NOW for our Farm Share CSA program and let us be YOUR FARMER for 2024. Looking forward to a great season!
We are taking sign ups now through April 13th. The season begins the week of April 15th and runs through the week of November 30th. Sign up for the Full 33 week season and SAVE! You’ll only pay $25/week for $30 worth of produce and Products from our Farm. Not sure about all 33 weeks? We also have divided our Farm Share up into 3 11 week Seasons (Spring, Summer, and Fall). For each of the 3 11 week seasons, you pay $30 for $30 worth of produce. Making a commitment to any of our CSA, Farm Share programs, still saves you money vs coming to the farm as a weekly customer. There are deals, discounts, and coupons available exclusively to our CSA customers. Do you want the BEST VARIETY? Then sign up for our Popular Choose Your Own CSA where YOU Choose what goes into YOUR CSA each week. Not sure what to choose, ask us and we’ll be glad to help. If you don’t have time to shop when you get here, then sign up for our Ready to Go, Pre-Packed CSA and we’ll have it packed for you when you arrive. Vacation weeks are available, so that you never miss a week of Freshness!