STRAWBERRIES! We are picking STRAWBERRIES again today for the Market. There will be Strawberries this morning. There should be enough for all day, but we won’t know until we finish picking them. Strawberries are a week later this year than last year. We are still probably 10 days or so away from pick your own. We will post here when pick your own is ready. Check daily for updates on Pre-Picked as well.

Milk from South Mountain Creamery will be late today. Driver had a flat tire on 81. We’ll post when he arrives. We still have some milk here at the Market.
PLENTY of MUSHROOMS from Northside Growers in our Fridge.

Greens: Hope to harvest those Saturday morning from the greenhouse. Field greens hopefully next week.
EGGS from our flock of pastured laying hens are still on Sale. Regularly $7. Buy 1 dozen and get a dozen 50% off.
Turkeys from our Pasture Raised Turkeys are 10% off.
BUSY, BUSY week at the Farm! The first planting of Sweet Corn is several inches tall under cover, The 2nd planting is about 2 inches tall. The 3rd planting is just poking through the soil. The 4th planting has just germinated. AND the 4th planting just went in the field yesterday, using our regular 6 row planter, planting directly into the soil.

Seedless Watermelons and Cantaloupe were planted and Covered with Row cover. Cucumbers in the field also. Hopefully squash and zucchini get planted today or tomorrow.
Check out our Coffee Shop Coppa d’ Amore at our Porch Window. Tuesdays-Saturday 8am-4pm.
See you at the Farm. Farm Market Open Mondays-Fridays 9am-5pm. Saturdays 8am-5pm. Closed Sundays. 12101 Orange Plank Rd Locust Grove Va. 22508.