STRAWBERRIES! Yes, we have PLENTY of Pre-Picked STRAWBERRIES ready for you! The First TASTE of Spring! We love some Fresh Picked Strawberries! $5/pint. Pick your own is not open yet. We will have pick your own, once the volume of Berries in the field increases. We are picking a couple rows of early varieties now for the Market.
Come on out and grab some Fresh Picked Strawberries!
Eggs on Sale: That’s right, eggs from our Pastured Laying hens are still on Sale. Normally $7/dozen. Now, buy 1 dozen, get a dozen half off. It’s a great time to try our pastured eggs and taste the difference.
Check out the Fridge too for Heavy Cream to go with your Strawberries. PLENTY of all your Favorite milk and milk products from South Mountain.
Tatsoi, Kale, and Collards will be harvested from the Field later today.
PLENTY of MUSHROOMS from Northside Growers in the Fridge in the Market.