PICK YOUR OWN STRAWBERRIES! FINALLY it’s time!   There’s finally more STRAWBERRIES RIPE in the STRAWBERRY PATCH than we can sell pre-picked. Open Now, Thursday May 2 and Friday May 3 as well! Check here each day before coming to pick so that you know the status of the patch and aren’t disappointed.


There’s finally more STRAWBERRIES RIPE in the STRAWBERRY PATCH than we can sell pre-picked. Open Now, Thursday May 2 and Friday May 3 as well! Check here each day before coming to pick so that you know the status of the patch and aren’t disappointed.

Looks rainy ish Saturday. Let’s pick some berries! And help us get this ripe fruit picked off before the rain.

Keep Reading so you know the scoop.

STRAWBERRIES pre-picked are $5/pint or $35 for 8 pints.


Pick your own Strawberries, NOW at Miller Farms. Get your containers to pick in from the Market at this time. The STRAWBERRY HUT hasn’t been moved into position yet.

The First Rows on WHITE plastic aren’t ready yet. The First 5 Rows of BLACK plastic have the most RIPE STRAWBERRIES. And those row middles have been mowed for you. The other rows have Strawberries that are beginning to ripen as well. We are busy getting the rest of the patch ready for you today.

Check in and out at the Market. Get your containers to pick in at the Market.

See you in the PATCH, in line for Coffee on the porch at Coppa d’ Amore…….cold and hot drinks available.

Mushrooms fresh from Northside Growers.

Tatsoi, Kale, Collards available in the Fridges.

Miller Farms EGGS on SALE: Normally $7/dozen. Right now By a dozen, get a dozen half off.

Time to pick the STRAWBERRIES!

PICK YOUR OWN STRAWBERRIES! FINALLY it’s time! There’s finally more STRAWBERRIES RIPE in the STRAWBERRY PATCH than we can sell pre-picked. Open Now, Thursday May 2 and Friday May 3 as well! Check here each day before coming to pick so that you know the status of the patch and aren’t disappointed.
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