NIGHT CORN MAZE, FRIDAY NIGHT and SATURDAY NIGHT AT MILLER FARMS! That’s Right, 2 NIGHT MAZES this week! ONLY 4 more chances to explore our NIGHT MAZE! The Weather will be PERFECT! COME EXPLORE OUR CORN MAZE IN THE DARK. ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE! TICKETS ONLINE OR AT THE ENTRANCE. Once you park, continue down the lighted path to the entrance of the corn maze. The entrance is near the bonfire, but stay on the lighted path.
Night Time Corn Maze at Miller Farms
Experience our 10-acre corn maze in the dark.
Come get lost and have some night-time fun.
Night Maze Dates
October18, 19, 25, 26
7:00-9:30 pm
Last Entrance 9:30pm.
Adults 13 and up $12
Children 3-12 yrs. $10
Children under 3 are free.
We will be serving, Coffee, Hot Cocoa, at the Night Maze: from 6:30-7:30. Also Hand Dipping Ice Cream cones! No Food in the Maze. Please Dispose of your trash before entering the Maze.
No running • No cutting through the corn • No alcohol or drugs • No smoking or open flames, includes vaping or any other form of smoking • No wandering out of event area • Must leave property after event • Please Respect property and employees • No removing or moving #’s or lights in Maze • Don’t pick or throw any corn • Must pay and have wrist band • No cursing
If paid online, your PayPal email is your ticket.