LAST DAY for PUMPKINS! PUMPKIN SALE! CORN MAZE CASH discounts only $5 CASH! LET’S GO! Keep reading for all the details! $5 PUMPKINS by the EACH! That’s right $5 PUMPKINS. $100 PICK-UP TRUCK LOADS of PUMPKINS and LARGE SUVS full of PUMPKINS only $100. Car Trunks and Back Seats only $50! Yes, we are OPEN Mondays-Saturdays. LOTS going on at the FARM! We STILL HAVE PLENTY of PUMPKINS! Perfect for DECORATING, EATING, or for FEED! LAST DAY for PUMPKINS. Let’s Go! Turkey Reservations!
CHRISTMAS TREES ARRIVING sometime the week of November 18th. Fraser Firs 5ft-12ft tall. Cut your own trees (Cannaan Fir and Norway Spruce) 5ft-9ft tall available beginning Nov. 30th.
And we now have premium CRAB CAKES from Denson’s Crab Cake Co. We have 1 pack left. We will get more in Sometime on Tuesday.
We know that a lot of our customers have CRITTERS, PETS, and LIVESTOCK that they want to FEED PUMPKINS to. Chickens, Pigs, Horses, Goats, Cows, and more LOVE PUMPKINS! NOW is YOUR CHANCE! COME Load up on PUMPKINS. Help us Clean these Pumpkins out. Park over near the pumpkins by the silos and load up. ALL leftover PUMPKINS will be fed to our COWS, but now is your chance to get PUMPKIN for your CRITTTERS, LIVESTOCK, and PETS! TODAY is the LAST DAY for PUMPKINS.
After TODAY, we will clean out the barns and get ready for Christmas Trees.
CORN MAZE DISCOUNTS: $5/CASH per person. Adult or Kids pay the same price. $5 CASH per person. If you are paying with a Credit Card then you pay the regular price of $10/Adult. Kids12 and under $8.
Apple Cider and Sweet Potatoes too!
CRAB CAKES: Premium Crab Cakes from Denson’s Crab Cake Co. 100% Wild Caught USA blue crab. Fresh made on the Northern Neck of Va. $36/package. 2 cakes per package. 1 Package left. We will have more delivered sometime on Tuesday.
KITCHEN is OPEN TODAY! Join us Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturday on the Porch and at the Kitchen window for a full menu of COFFEES, ICE CREAMS, and MILK SHAKES! Pumpkin milk shakes on sale while the pumpkin ice cream lasts!
12101 Orange Plank Rd Locust Grove VA. 22508. 2 miles West of Fawn Lake. Mondays-Fridays 9am-5pm. Saturdays 8am-5pm. Closed Sundays.