Come on out to the FARM today! RESTOCKED on MILLER FARMS GRASS FED, GRASS FINISHED BEEF from our Pastures. Come taste the difference. PLENTY of Everything, including ORGAN MEAT.
MILLER FARMS BROILER CHICKEN: Raised on the pastures of our farm in portable pens. Moved daily to new grass. Taste the difference of Grass Fed Broiler Chicken.
Miller Farms Turkey: Raised Just like our Chickens. Taste the difference.
MILK in GLASS BOTTLES, EGGS, ICE CREAM, CHEESE all from South Mountain Creamery
Miller Farms EGGS, limited
AND sign up for our FARM SHARE CSA Program and Let us be your farmer! NOW is the PERFECT time to sign up for our Farm Share CSA program.
Do you want to get to know your local farmer? Do you want to know how your food is grown or produced? Then sign up for our Farm Share CSA program and let us be YOUR farmer. Let OUR family feed YOUR family. From OUR hands to YOUR table. Fresh Seasonal produce grown for you. Most food travels 2500 miles before it reaches you. Most food from our farm travels 2500 feet. We grow everything here on our farm except for tree fruit. We source tree fruit from Spring Valley Farm in West Virginia. During tree fruit season, their fruit is delivered weekly, so you always have the freshest fruit. On our farm we harvest every day but Sunday. This allows us to provide you with the freshest produce, harvested at its peak, maximizing flavor. We love eating fresh produce and our family loves sharing fresh produce with you. Keep reading, sign up for our Farm Share CSA program and join us on a seasonal produce journey.
Sign up now and SAVE 5%. We’re extending our Deadline to save 5% until Jan. 25.
See you at the FARM!
Remember we are on our Winter Hours of Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays 9am-5pm.