The Blueberry Patch
Updated 9/12/23. Blueberry Season is over for the 2023 Season. The patch is now CLOSED.
The rest of the information applies when the patch is open
The BLUEBERRY PATCH IS CURRENTLY OPEN! PLENTY of BLUEBERRIES for PICKING! The patch is loaded! Check our daily posts on FB, Instagram, Google, or our Website before coming to pick, as conditions change daily. The rest of the info here applies when the Blueberry Patch is open. Grab your container to pick in, at the Market or at the little red hut in front of the patch before going to pick. The BLUEBERRY PATCH is located directly behind the white house across the road from the Market. When done picking, come across the road and check out at the Market. Pre-Picked BLUEBERRIES are $5/half pint. Pick your own Blueberries are $7.99/lb. See you at the FARM and in the PATCH!

The Blackberry Patch
Updated 9/12/23. Blackberry Season is over for the 2023 Season. The Blackberry patch is now CLOSED.
The rest of the info here applies during Blackberry Season.
We are at the beginning of the season. We should have pre-picked Blackberries in the Market. There is light, scattered picking in the blackberry patch. The rest of the info here applies when the patch is open. Pre-Picked Blackberries are $5/half pint. Pick your own Blackberries are $7.99/lb. PLEASE check our daily posts on FB, Instagram, Google, or our Website for current picking conditions before coming to pick. Picking conditions can change rapidly. The blackberry patch is located across the road from the Market. Picking containers are available at the Market. Check in and check out at the Market when you are done. Free parking! Free Fresh Air! No admission charge! Remember to get some heavy cream for your berries! See you at the FARM!

The Raspberry Patch
The Raspberry Patch is CLOSED. We no longer have Raspberries.