Check out our Pastured Turkeys! Plenty of room to enjoy the fresh air, graze fresh grass, scavenge for bugs and other goodies. Our turkeys are moved to fresh pasture each week. It’s amazing how much grass they will consume. Our
Sweet Corn Update: There will be SWEET CORN Monday and probably Tuesday. Not sure about the rest of the week.

Sweet Corn Update: There will be SWEET CORN Monday and probably Tuesday. Not sure about the rest of the week. We have a little bit of corn left in this patch, but the next patch isn’t ready yet. There are

SAVE THE DATE: What: Cookbook Signing “To Be Blessed” When: Saturday October 1st 2022 Where: Back Porch…..Miller Farms Market Time: 10am-2pm Come join in as Betty Mallory tells the story of her new cookbook, “To Be Blessed”. Come Listen to